domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

My Historical figure

The person or historical figure that I admire is Nelson Mandela clearly recognized by all the corners of our world because this man I liberate body, souls and hearts of million of habitants of Africa of the injustices of the European settlers who had the control of these persons. To see and to know the treatments, slaughters and injustices that were recorded it does more than 10 years behind, I admit that on having seen this for the first time I cause many emotion and the only pain of soul. They were million persons of black race and only hundreds of white persons had the control of African lands. Nelson was suffering, living and they tortured it as the others but he fight for the revolution in search of the freedom and happiness of the slaves for many years, it had adventures that another human being could not resist and everything for the African people until it managed to liberate the black race and with this difficult and long-suffering work I stay as some of the biggest heroes of the history of the world

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